Let me entertain you!

Let me entertain you!

The attention economy and our infinite appetite for distractions is the subject of a lovely RSA short and thought it was worth a share, and a rant! The talk is by James Williams from 2017 (the animation is new). The more I listened, the more I nodded.

How to take a creative leap

How to take a creative leap

We are all creative creatures, artists are compelled to be consistently creative. The rest of us will have an epiphany about something in our lives, thatโ€™s one reason why we go into business, to do something different, differently, better, or smarter. Whatโ€™s not creative about that?



Devolution – a shake-up or shake down for Cambridgeshire?

Monkeys and chainsaws

Monkeys and chainsaws

My first boss and mentor – Frank Schofield ย would often mutter ‘monkeys and chainsaws’ – as he tackled clients given access to DTP – desktop publishing – for the benefit of aย younger audience. Prior to ‘DTP’ clients...