I was awake at 5.30 this morning , despite having had a late bed time. (OK, I did fall asleep on and off watching a documentary on Vimeo about new ways of designing office space at Norman Foster architects and had to keep rewinding!). After realising I was so awake that going back to sleep was out of the question, I had a scroll through Twitter where I came across this great article, and I want to share with you, itโ€™s written by Dorothy Kresz, who is married to Michael Bierut (a fantastic designer I follow).

Itโ€™s about coping with loss, the loss of the way we were โ€“ the things that made up our lives, before Covid 19. She writes, that we are in a ‘state of grief’, and the more I read, the more I saw in myself some of the symptoms of grief, like trouble focusing on normal tasks, sleeping less (or more) than usual. Donโ€™t get me wrong, I donโ€™t feel my mental health is suffering, but letโ€™s face it, there isnโ€™t going to be a day where we flip back to the way we were just a few months ago, and I do feel really sad about that.

So we have to get our PMA (positive mental attitude) dialled in, and focus on what we have thatโ€™s good. My way to get my โ€˜head in gearโ€™ is on my morning walk to an Oak tree (#treetwoproject) with my dogs, where I find three things in my life I am thankful for that day โ€“ family, health, food on the table, a few quid in the bank, and not linger on regret. And another great healer is said to be to find ways to give back if you can โ€“ share some kindness.

Here is the link:
The loss of normalcy: grief in the time of Covid-19

It’s mental awareness week and, the whole of May isย Mental Health Awareness Month #EveryMindMatters #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;ย courage to change the things I can;ย and wisdom to know the difference.ย – Serenity Prayer