Happy Christmas!
Seasons Greetings!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Kwanzaa!
The older I get, the quicker Christmas seems to come around each year – is that the same for you?
A day, a week, a month, a year goes by quickly. Everything is quick.
We squash a lot in on those quick days – ‘I’ll quickly do this’ or ‘yes, I can quickly do that for you’ – and if I had a quick quid for every time I’ve said ‘quick’, I could now be living in that house overlooking the bay in the south of France .
Hang on! Quick is a word from old English (cwicu) and ‘quick’ also means – alive.
So when this Christmas goes by quickly, think of that not with regret, but be thankful for being quick!
If in all your quickness, you don’t have a nice Christmas image to send out – I have three up for grabs. If none of these take your fancy – get in touch P.D.Quick and I’ll quickly make one for you!