I was asked by Roelof of Agricompas, an agricultural data analytics company to create a logo for EcoProMIS (Ecological Productivity Management Information System).
EcoProMIS uses satellite technology and crop data research to improve the sustainability of cropping systems by increasing productivity and profitability while minimising environmental impact, protecting biodiversity and improving the socio-economic conditions of the value chain stakeholders (currently in Colombia).ย
Creating a logo is just a small part of branding. For a visual cue to Roelof’s core business Agricompas, we used the same colours. The logo design was around the idea of inter-dependence, the connection of land and crops. Furthering the idea of the land, curves were used in the website design, and so start to create the visual branding.
In the video below you can see other logo ideas that were presented.
Angie Moyes from Fuz created a beautiful logo for our sustainable agriculture platform EcoProMIS. It was a pleasure to work with her.