Gong Xi Fa Cai

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Happy New Lunar Year of the Dragon! The Dragon swishes his tail and brings a year of change โ€“ and change can also bring new opportunities sparking creativity and innovation. I am a rat and in the Year of the Dragon, rats โ€˜will experience growth and energy and will...
Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

HELLO to a new Chinese year โ€“ the year of the Ox. Marketing & horoscopes โ€“ Chinese or otherwise, archetypes, avatars, personas,ย tribes… When you are in business โ€˜pigeon-holingโ€™ โ€“ grouping and naming potential customers โ€“ is a big deal. To try and find a way to talk to someone that; you donโ€™t know, havenโ€™t met yet (interacting on social platforms counts) โ€“ to give them the thing that you have, that they want โ€“ is a big deal. ‘Knowing’ your customer is the cornerstone of marketing. You need to be playing to the right crowd. And if you know, or can predict, which gig they want to go to next โ€“ you have sight of the Holy Grail.

Seeing around corners

Seeing around corners

Who doesnโ€™t want to know whatโ€™s in the future? What we should we be avoiding or embracing. My thinking is that divination in all its forms, are all tools we use to help us confirm our โ€˜gutโ€™ feelings, our intuition. Because, try as we might, we cannot see around corners, and luck over time, is inevitable.

Woof! What a week!

Woof! What a week!

Pancakes, passion, promises and new beginnings, brought to us with, Lent, Valentines, and now the Chinese New Year. Goฬ„ng XiฬŒ Faฬ„ Caฬi Wishing you happiness and prosperity in the year of the Dog If you know me, you know I love my dogs, I have three. And here are my...