Pancakes, passion, promises and new beginnings, brought to us with, Lent, Valentines, and now the Chinese New Year.

Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái

Wishing you happiness and prosperity in the year of the Dog

If you know me, you know I love my dogs, I have three. And here are my three dogs, portrayed in my latest addiction – felting.

I work from a home studio, and my dogs prove to be everything that they say they are in the Chinese horoscope – honest and loyal, the truest of friends and most reliable.

But like most pigeon holes, even being a ‘Dog’ is more complicated…

Because in Chinese Horoscopes, you have to also factor in the Element for the year you are born too. Which is interesting, because Donald Trump was born in a Dog year (as were Bush and Clinton). Voters voted for his honesty and hard work, but his element is Fire, making him particularly true to his Chinese horoscope, as also being hot-tempered, talkative and not in harmony with others. Yes, it’s a big pigeon hole, there were a lot of people born in 1946, and are Fire Dogs, not all did something unique, but three did, and got to run a country.

And my point is…

In our day-to-day business, very few of us do something totally unique. We fit into pigeon holes of design, or marketing, or whatever, and those pigeon holes are crowded. We use our branding to be discovered in the throng. And we build relationships, we get to be liked and trusted, and become the ‘go-to’ person to solve a problem for our clients and customers. That feels good. And so, we are unique in our own little pigeon holes.

Are you a dog – or a rat like me? Find out what Chinese animal you are …and what the future holds!

Why not embrace Asian culture and join in the spirit of the New Year with 1.38 billion other people? There’s fun to be had at the fabulous New Year parade in Chinatown this weekend. It’s the biggest of its kind outside Asia, and a fabulous spectacle.

My favourite Fire Dog
Firehouse Dog‘ It’s a movie, and always comes away with us on staycation holidays, perfect for a rainy UK summer day. It’s about a boy, a dog, a murder, friendship, family, exploitation, being lost and found, it has drama and best of all, a happy ending.

Happy Valentines!

If you missed my little Valentines video, you can watch it here. It was made mostly on my phone using Videoshop – which is a great little App (the Fuz splash was made in Adobe AfterEffects and brought into the App).