Every day is my independence day!

Every day is my independence day!

THANK YOU! I am incredibly grateful to all my clients, and people who recommend me to new clients, or who โ€˜likeโ€™ my posts, or tweets. I feel blessed that some clients have kept me going during the Covid-19 lockdown, and throughout the year give me projects of all sizes, keeping the wolves from my door.

Seeing around corners

Seeing around corners

Who doesnโ€™t want to know whatโ€™s in the future? What we should we be avoiding or embracing. My thinking is that divination in all its forms, are all tools we use to help us confirm our โ€˜gutโ€™ feelings, our intuition. Because, try as we might, we cannot see around corners, and luck over time, is inevitable.

Fall back!

Fall back!

Fall, yeah, I know โ€“ itโ€™s an American term for Autumn, but โ€˜fall back, spring forwardโ€™ makes it easy to remember whether your day will start earlier or later — itโ€™s later, because the clocks go/fall back (in the โ€˜fallโ€™) โ€“ so you get a pretend extra hour, itโ€™s...
I donโ€™t have a D-Day story โ€“ do you?

I donโ€™t have a D-Day story – do you?

In the picture: the dog from next door, my gran, my mum, my ‘pop’ I donโ€™t have a D-Day story to pass on, my parents were too young to fight My dads’ dad would have been the right age, but he died in an accident at St Catherineโ€™s Dock in the East End...
Resolution โ€“ or re-solution โ€“ shake it up!

Resolution – or re-solution – shake it up!

As a graphic designer, I am a great lover of words. Iโ€™m working with them all day, moving them, resizing them, changing their emphasis with colour, or italics, or bold, or capitalisation, or kerning them, punctuating around them to change their meaning. So, my โ€˜word...